Product Support Experts
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Product Support Expert #:

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Teambuilding and Coaching Business Skills COACH
Team Building Business Skills TEAMB
Microsoft Access Application Training, all product versions Application Software ACCESS
DOS X.x Application Software DOS
Excel 2013: Data Analysis with Pivot Tables Application Software E13DPT
Excel 2016: Data Analysis with Power Pivot Application Software E16DPP
Excel 2016: Data Analysis with Pivot Tables Application Software E16DPT
Microsoft Excel Application Training, all product versions, all levels Application Software EXCEL
Microsoft Exchange End User Training, all product versions Application Software EXCH
Microsoft Office Excel 2016/2019 - Data Analysis with Power Pivot Application Software EXLDPP
Excel VBA Product Training, all product versions Application Software ExVBA
iOS 6: Basic and Data Core Application Software iOS6