Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 1118

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Implementing and Managing MS Exchange Server 2003 Microsoft 2400
Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Microsoft 2154
Implementing a Microsoft« Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure Network Hosts Microsoft 2276
Implementing a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Microsoft 833
Implementing Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Microsoft 1125
IBM Websphere Training Third Party / Custom WEBS
Fundamentals of Network Security Microsoft 2810
Fundamentals of Building a Business-to-Consumer Solution with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 Microsoft 2341
Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT Microsoft 1913
Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft Visual C# .NET Microsoft 2524
Developing XML Web Services Using Microsoft Visual C# Microsoft 2574
Developing Web Applications with Visual InterDev 6.0 Microsoft 1017