Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 1118

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Programming with Microsoft C++ Third Party / Custom C++
Programming with Microsoft ADO.NET Microsoft 2389
Programming with Java Beans Third Party / Custom JAVAB
Programming the Microsoft .NET Framework with Visual Basic .Net Microsoft 2415
Programming the Microsoft .NET Framework Using C# Microsoft 2349
Programming Microsoft Access 2002 Microsoft 2657
Preinstalling Microsoft Windows XP for OEM's Microsoft 2290
Populating a DataWarehouse with MS SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services Microsoft 2092
Planning, implementing, and managing a MS SharePoint Server for MS 2003 Microsoft 2012
Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a MS Windows Server Microsoft 2279
Planning and Maintaining a MS Windows Server 2003 Net Infrastructure Microsoft 2278
Oracle University: 9i: XML Fundamentals for Developers Oracle 9iXMLF